Estela del fuego que se aleja
Estela del fuego que se aleja

The Trail of the Fire that Recedes

Estela del fuego que se aleja

The first chapters of this book , which won the National Critics Prize, are about «the crisis facing the protagonist», who the author names with the letter A. He is a middle-aged man that, despite looking like one of life’s natural winners, is convinced that he has wasted his talents in search of material security. But there is another protagonist: B, a kind of grotesque double of A. One and the other find themselves on each side of the mirror, without ever being sure who is a reflection of whom. Thirty years after its first edition, the recovery of The Trail of the Fire that Recedes, with a prologue by Ignacio Echevarría, is revealed as an amazing novel that conserves intact the dynamite of its searing humor and its capacity to get underneath the reader’s skin.

«Goytisolo reverses Proust: it is no longer life that is transformed into literature, but literature that explains the world» (Rafael Conte, El País).

«Pages with a rigorous intelligence of ambitious elaboration, delicate nostalgia and splendid sarcasm. In definitive, a disconcerting, amazing and extraordinary novel» (J. A. Masoliver Ródenas, La Vanguardia).

SERIESNarrativas hispánicas
Luis Goytisolo

Luis Goytisolo

Luis Goytisolo (Barcelona, 1935) won the Premio Biblioteca Breve with his first novel, Las afueras, and he has since become on of the most prestigious figures in the world of Spanish literature. He is the author of various novels, including Antagonía. Among numerous prizes, he was awarded the Premio Nacional de Literatura. He is a member of the Spanish Royal Academy.


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