Rafael Chirbes

Rafael Chirbes (Tabernes de Valldigna 1949 – Beniarneig, Spain, 2015) studied Modern and Contemporary History in Madrid. He worked as a literary critic and wrote for a travel magazine for some years. His novel La larga marcha was awarded in Germany with the SWR/Die Bestenliste Prize. Among many other awards, with Crematorio (2007) and En la orilla (2014) he obtained the Critics Prize, and with En la orilla also the National Prize for Narrative.

A tribute to Rafael Chirbes by Valerie Miles.

TITLES BY Rafael Chirbes
NH 555

Germany (Antje Kunstmann)
Portugal (Assirio & Alvim)
Italy (Feltrinelli)
The Netherlands (Atlas Contact)
France (Rivages)
On the Shore
On the Shore
NH 512

France (Rivages)
Germany (Antje Kunstmann)
Italy (Feltrinelli)
USA (New Directions)
UK (Harvill Secker)
Greece (Kedros)
The Netherlands (Meridiaan)
China (People Republic of China Publishing House)
Serbia (Cigoja Stampa)
Portugal (Assírio & Alvim)
Turkey (Tekin)
Sweden (Natur & Kultur)
Croatia (Vucovic & Runjic)
Hungary (Magveto)
NH 418

France (Rivages)
Germany (Antje Kunstmann)
Portugal (Ediçoes 70)
Italy (Garzanti)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
Romania (RAO)
Brazil (Almedina)
Serbia (Cigoja Stampa)
USA (New Directions)
Greece (Kedros)
The Old Friends
The Old Friends
NH 344

Germany (Antje Kunstmann)
France (Rivages)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
Turkey (Özgür)
Good Handwriting
Good Handwriting
NH 329

Germany (Antje Kunstmann)
France (Rivages)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
Italy (Le Lettere)
Serbia & Montenegro (Cigoja Stampa)
Greece (Eikostou Protou)
Italy (Feltrinelli)
The Fall of Madrid
The Fall of Madrid
NH 281

Germany (Antje Kunstmann and Heyne)
Italy (Frassinelli)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
France (Rivages)
Croatia (Mozaik)
Serbia & Montenegro (Alfa-Narodna)
The Long March
The Long March
NH 209

Germany (Antje Kunstmann and Heyne)
France (Rivages)
Italy (Frassinelli)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
Norway (Gyldendal Norks)
Greece (Graphes)
The Hunter's Shoots
The Hunter's Shoots
NH 161

Germany (Antje Kunstmann and Fischer)
France (Rivages)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
Portugal (Caminho)
Albania (Albin)
Greece (Agra)
Turkey (Örzgür)
Romania (RAO)
Italy (Feltrinelli)
NH 72

Germany (Wagenbach)
France (Rivages)
UK (Serpent's Tail)


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