Luigi Amara

Luigi Amara (México City, 1971) is an essayist, poet and writer, though he defines himself mostly as walker. He is the author of El peatón inmóvil, Sombras sueltas (Rousset Banda Award of the Literary Critics 2008), A pie, Los disidentes del universo, Cuaderno flotante and La escuela del aburrimiento. He has also written children´s books: Las aventuras de Max y su ojo submarino (Hispanoamerican Award for Children Poetry 2006) and Los calcetines solitarios. Together with other writers and artists he founded the independent publishing house, Tumbona Ediciones.

TITLES BY Luigi Amara
A Hair-brained History of the Wig
A Hair-brained History of the Wig
A 464

Germany (Berenberg Verlag)
UK (Reaktion Books)


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