Jordi Amat
JORDI AMAT (Barcelona, 1978) is a philologist and writer. Specialized in the relations between culture and politics throughout the 20th century, he is the author of the biographies of Ramon Trias Fargas Els laberints de la llibertat (‘Labyrinths of Freedom’), for which he won the Premi Gaziel de Biografies i Memòries (Gaziel Award for Biographies and Memoirs), and Josep Benet Com una patria (‘Like a Homeland’). He also wrote the essays Las voces del diálogo (‘Dialog Voices’), El llarg procés (‘Long Process) and La primavera de Múnich (‘Munich’s Spring’), for which he won the Premi Comillas (Comillas Award). He works as a collaborator for the newspaper La Vanguardia.