Alberto Barrera Tyszka

Alberto Barrera Tyszka (Caracas, 1960) is a poet and novelist. He has writen the novel También el corazón es un descuido, the book of short stories Edición de lujo, and also the collections of poetry Coyote de ventanas and Tal vez el frío. Together with the journalist Cristina Marcano, he has published the first documented biography of the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez sin uniforme. Una historia personal, to great international interest. He has a degree from the School of Literature of the University Central de Venezuela, where he is also a professor. For years he has worked as a TV script writer, writing soap-operas in Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. A number of his articles have been published in the Venezuelan and internatonal media in El País, Letras Libres, Etiqueta Negra, Gatopardo, among others. Since 1996 he has been a columnist on El Nacional newspaper.

TITLES BY Alberto Barrera Tyszka
NH 492

France (Zinnia)
NH 458

UK (MacLehose Press)
The Sickness
The Sickness
NH 402

France (Gallimard)
China (People's Republic of China Publishing House)
UK (Quercus-MacLehose Press)
Italy (Einaudi)
USA (Tin House Press)
The Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek)
Turkey (Kafka Yayinevi)


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