Aurora Freijo Corbeira

Aurora Freijo Corbeira has a degree in Philosophy from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a master’s degree in Advanced Studies in Philosophy with a specialization in Ontologyand the Contemporary World from Universidad Complutense. She has published work in the psychoanalysismagazine Quipo and in the digital magazine Bandeàpart (where she was also one of the directors), as well as in the educational collection Actuar es Posible. She has translated Leibinz’s Theodicy: Essays and is the author of the books Perdidos para la Literatura (2011), Tanta luz. Pasolini (2015), and Cuidado, Sócrates se acerca (2016). She has been a scholar at the Residencia de Estudiantes, a Philosophy professor, and a teachers’ training advisor. She is an expert in cultural management and editing at the School of Arts at Universidad Carlos III and founder of the publishing house “Las migas también son pan.”

TITLES BY Aurora Freijo Corbeira


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