Miguel Ángel Hernández
Miguel Ángel Hernández (Murcia, 1977) is a professor of History of Art at the University de Murcia. He has been director of CENDEAC (Centro de Documentación y Estudios Avanzados de Arte Contemporáneo), Research Fellow del Clark Art Institute (Williamstown, Massachusetts) and Society Fellow of the Society for the Humanities (Cornell University). He is the author of diverse books of short-stories, essays and art critic books.
TITLES BY Miguel Ángel Hernández
Escape Attempt
NH 513
Germany (Wagenbach)
Brazil (Bertrand)
France (Seuil)
Italy (Edizioni E/O)
UK & USA (Hispabooks)
NH 513
Germany (Wagenbach)
Brazil (Bertrand)
France (Seuil)
Italy (Edizioni E/O)
UK & USA (Hispabooks)