Begoña Huertas

Begoña Huertas (Gijón, 1965 – Madrid, 2022) has a PhD in Hispanic Literature from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She has worked as a research fellow at the University of Barcelona and as an editorial collaborator, opinion column writer, and writing professor. In 1993, she won the Casa de las Américas prize for her work Ensayo de un cambio. La narrativa cubana en la década de los 80 (1994). She wrote the short story collection A tragos (1996) and the novels Déjenme dormir en paz (1998), Por eso envejecemos tan deprisa (2001), En el fondo. Pide una copa, paga Proust (2009), Una noche en Amalfi (2012), and El desconcierto (2017).

TITLES BY Begoña Huertas


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