Luis López Carrasco

Luis López Carrasco (Murcia, 1981) is a writer and filmmaker. He co-founded the audiovisual collective Los Hijos, and his work as director has been displayed in numerous international festival and contemporary art centers around various cities in Spain, London, Manchester, Paris, and New York. His latest movie, El año del descubrimiento, premiered during the Rotterdam International Film Festival and has won several national and international awards, including the Goya Prizes for best documentary and best editing. He is the co-author of the book La aritmética de la creación. Entrevistas con productores del cine español contemporaneo and publishedEuropa, a short narrative framed by science fiction, in 2014. He currently works as an assistant teacher at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

TITLES BY Luis López Carrasco
The White Desert
The White Desert
NH 724

UK & USA (Granta)
China (The Writers Publishing House)


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