Sara Mesa

Sara Mesa (Madrid, 1976) has lived in Seville since childhood. She has published the novels Un incendio invisible (Premio Málaga de Novela) and El trepanador de cerebros, and the story collections No es fácil ser verde and La sobriedad del galápago. With her poetry collection Este jilguero she won the Premio Nacional de Poesía Miguel Hernández en 2007. With Anagrama she has published Cuatro por cuatro: «An original novel full of talent» (Pablo Martínez Zarracina, Bilbao); «A stripped-down language, using brief and forceful syntax, which often focuses on a suggestion or a detail as expressive as it is devastating» (Ana Rodríguez Fischer, El País); «A very good novel» (Eva Muñoz, La Vanguardia); «A new narrative voice emerges which is destined to lead to important things in Spanish fiction of the XXIst Century» (Ángel Basanta, El Mundo); «A cold and naked novel, full of powerful images that make the reader uneasy as they draw him in» (Marta Sanz, El Confidencial); «A disquieting invitation to look with new eyes at isolated educational environments» (María Bengoa, El Correo Español); «What can I say about a story in which everything works?... A new author that will surprise us further in future» (Sergio Sancor, Libros y literatura); «Sara Mesa. Don’t forget that name. The finalist for the XXXth Premio Herralde de Novela. Read it. Share it. Talk about it. Open the book and begin. You won’t be able to put it down.» (Uxue, Un libro al día).

Photo: © Sonia Fraga

The Family
The Family
NH 700

Italy (La Nuova Frontiera)
USA (Open Letter)
France (Grasset)
Germany (Wagenbach)
Greece (Ikaros)
Brazil (Autentica)
Poland (Glowbook)
Portugal (Relogio d'agua)
Israel (Locus)
Turkey (Sel Yayincilik)
Arabic (Dar Tashkeell)
A Love
A Love
NH 651

France (Grasset)
Germany (Wagenbach)
Greece (Ikaros)
The Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek)
USA (Open Letter)
Portugal (Relógio D'Água)
Italy (La Nuova Frontiera)
Saudi Arabia (Dar Athar)
Denmark (Skjodt)
China (The Writer's Publishing House)
Brazil (Autentica)
Poland (Glowbook)
Israel (Locus)
UK (Peirene Press)
Turkey (Sel Yayincilik)
Japan (Hakusuisha)
Romania (Humanitas)
Croatia (Oceanmore)
Cara de pan
Cara de pan
NH 612

USA (Open Letter)
Germany (Wagenbach)
Norway (Cappelen Damm)
Portugal (Teodolito)
Greece (Ikaros)
The Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek)
Denmark (Forlaget Apuleius)
Finland (Aviador)
Bad Handwriting
Bad Handwriting
NH 558

Italy (Bompiani)
USA (Open Letter)
NH 545

France (Rivages)
USA (Dalkey Archives)
The Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek)
Italy (Bompiani)
Turkey (Nora Kitap)
Georgia (Intelekti)
Four by Four
Four by Four
NH 509

France (Rivages)
English World Rights (Open Letter)


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