Manuel Moyano

Manuel Moyano (Cordoba, 1963) spent his childhood in Barcelona and from 1991 he lives in Molina de Segura (Murcia). With El amigo de Kafka (2001) he was awarded the Tigre Juan Prize to the best first narrative work published in Spain and was elected by El Mundo newspaper as one of the ten best debutants of the year. La coartada del diablo was awarded the Tristana Prize for Fantasy Novel in 2006. He has published the collections of short-stories El oro celeste (2003) and El experimento Wolberg (2008, Murcia Book of the Year Prize), and also the book of micro-stories Teatro de ceniza (2011), most of them appearing in the recent main anthologies in Spain. He is also the author of the miscellaneous volume La memoria de la especie (2005), some of his titles mix narrative and anthropological essay: Galería de apátridas (2004), El lobo de Periago (2005) and Dietario mágico (2002), which is the result of the work in the field of healers. Travesía americana (2013) narrates the journey of a family from coast to coast in USA. With a degree in agronomic engineering at the University of Cordoba, he currently works in cultural management. He is a member of the Order of the Meteorite of Molina de Segura and transcendent satrap by the Institutum Pataphysicum Granatensis. He is not inoculated.

TITLES BY Manuel Moyano
The Yegorov Empire
The Yegorov Empire
NH 540

The Netherlands (Meridiaan)


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