Alan Pauls
Alan Pauls (Buenos Aires, 1959) is an author, journalist, script writer and cinema critic. He has a BA and was a lecturer of Literary Theory in the Philosophy department of the UBA and the founder of the magazine Lecturas Críticas. He was editor-in-chief of the magazine Página/30 and has also been associate editor of Radar, the Sunday supplement of Página/12, which he continues contributing to regularly.
At the moment he writes a column for the Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo and organizes the independent cinema season el ciclo Primer Plano for cable I-Sat.
TITLES BY Alan Pauls
The History of Money
NH 514
Germany (Klett-Cotta)
France (Christian Bourgois)
Italy (Minimumfax)
Brazil (Cosac & Naify)
USA (Melville House Press)
NH 514
Germany (Klett-Cotta)
France (Christian Bourgois)
Italy (Minimumfax)
Brazil (Cosac & Naify)
USA (Melville House Press)
A Story of Hair
NH 470
France (Christian Bourgois)
Brazil (Cossac & Naify)
Italy (Minimum Fax)
Germany (Klett-Cotta)
NH 470
France (Christian Bourgois)
Brazil (Cossac & Naify)
Italy (Minimum Fax)
Germany (Klett-Cotta)
Grief Story
NH 423
Brasil (Cosac & Naify)
The Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
France (Christian Bourgois)
Italy (Fazi)
Germany (Klett-Cotta)
Turkey (Can Yayinlari)
Italy (SUR)
NH 423
Brasil (Cosac & Naify)
The Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
France (Christian Bourgois)
Italy (Fazi)
Germany (Klett-Cotta)
Turkey (Can Yayinlari)
Italy (SUR)
The Past
NH 351
France (Christian Bourgois)
UK (The Harvill Press)
The Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
Italy (Feltrinelli)
Brazil (Cosac & Naify)
Romania (Vellant)
Germany (Klett-Cotta)
Greece (Papyros)
Russia (Azbooka)
Serbia (Laguna)
Portugal (Dom Quixote)
Germany (pocket) (DTV)
Italy (SUR)
Macedonia (Antolog)
NH 351
France (Christian Bourgois)
UK (The Harvill Press)
The Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
Italy (Feltrinelli)
Brazil (Cosac & Naify)
Romania (Vellant)
Germany (Klett-Cotta)
Greece (Papyros)
Russia (Azbooka)
Serbia (Laguna)
Portugal (Dom Quixote)
Germany (pocket) (DTV)
Italy (SUR)
Macedonia (Antolog)