Irene Solà

Irene Solà (Malla, Spain, 1990) has published the novel Els dics (L’Altra Editorial, Premio Documenta 2017) and the book of poems Bèstia (Galerada Edicions, Premio Amadeu Oller 2012), translated into English as Beast (Shearsman Books, 2017). She is part of the anthologies Mig segle de poesia catalana, del Maig del 68 al 2018, edited by Vicenç Altaió and Josep M. Sala-Valldaura (Edicions 62); Wretched Strangers, edited by JT Welsch and Ágnes Lehóczky (Boiler House Press), and 33 poetes de menys de 35, edited by Josep Pedrals (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). She has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona and a Masters in Literature, Film and Visual Culture from Sussex University.  Solà has been a writer-in-residence at George Mason University in Virginia in October 2018, and has been one of the artists selected by the Barcelona Producció-La Capella program in 2017. She has also received a Literary Creation Grant from the Government of Catalonia, the Young Art Grant 2015 and the City of Vic. Her texts and works have been exhibited and read at the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona, the Whitechapel Gallery (London), Bòlit (Girona), MAC (Mataró), at Jerwood Arts (London), and at the International Poetry Festival of Sant Cugat, the Fiesta de la Poesía in Sitges or the Festival Poesía i +, mong others. Her work has also appeared in the maganizes Poetari, The Lighthouse Literary Journal, Time Out, Granta Magazine and Murder Magazine.

TITLES BY Irene Solà
When I Sing The Mountain Dances
When I Sing The Mountain Dances
LA 61

Italy (Blackie Edizioni)
US (Graywolf)
UK (Granta)
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Slovenia (KUD)
Georgia (Academic Press)
Sweden (Tranan)
Russia (Polyandria)
Portugal (Cavalo de Ferro)
China (Thinkingdom Media Group)
Estonia (Varrak)


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