Vicente Verdú

Vicente Verdú (Elche, 1942) is an author and journalist; PhD in Social Sciences at The Sorbonne University and member of the Nieman Foundation of Harvard University. He is a regular contributor to El País. He has produced a extensive body of narrative and essay works, including Señoras y señores, Espasa Essay Prize. At Anagrama stands out El Planeta Americano, which was awarded the Anagrama Essay Prize and has become one of the publisher’s most successful long-selling titles.

TITLES BY Vicente Verdú
The Style of the World
The Style of the World
A 300

Italy (Sperling & Kupfer)
France (Stock)
Portugal (Fim de Século)
The American Planet
The American Planet
A 180

Brazil (Letra Livre)
Days Without Smoking
Days Without Smoking
A 101

Italy (Tranchida)


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