El informe

The Report

El informe

A proposition to rethink our relationship with work and the role of intellectual labour in contemporary society.

In the past, thinkers sold us the idea of a future where leisure would be the centre of our lives while machines worked for us and created wealth. That utopian future never arrived. Remedios Zafra rebels against and accepts this notion. She rejects bureau- cratic violence, administrative sadness, and tech- nological dehumanisation; that spreads disaffection among workers when their time is occupied with tasks unrelated to their purpose: researching, tea- ching, creating... She advocates freeing up our own time, which leads to better ideas and more significant commitment to what we do, to society, to care, and to the planet paying attention to justice, science, or enjoyment. This book argues against technologies that contribute nothing to emanci- pation and for feeding our souls (and our stomachs).

Remedios Zafra

Remedios Zafra

Remedios Zafra (Zuheros, Córdoba, 1973) is a writer, university professor and researcher at the Philosophy Institute of the Spanish Scientific Research Council. She has taught Anthropology, Politics of the Gaze and Gender Studies. Her work is oriented to the critical study of contemporary culture, creation and internet. She is the author of El bucle invisibleFrágiles, El entusiasmoPrecariedad y trabajo creativo en la era digital (Anagrama Essay Award and Critical State Award), Ojos y capital(h)adasUn cuarto propio conectado and Netianas, among others. His work has won the Jovellanos International Essay Prize; Meridiana de Cultura; De las Letras El Público; Málaga Essay Prize; the Research Prize of  Cátedra Leonor de Guzmán and the Carmen de Burgos Essay Prize.


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