El Prado inadvertido

The Unnoticed Prado

El Prado inadvertido

A tour through the Prado, the essentials and the forgotten, from the point of view of an expert.

A walk through the Prado. Past its classics and its forgotten pieces. Past its history, its hidden nooks and crannies. Following the glorious success of the classic Tres horas en el Museo del Prado by Eugenio d’Ors, Estrella de Diego proposes a new tour from a new perspective.

Las meninas by Velázquez, interpreted in the light of Borges’ Pierre Menard, or the works of Goya; as well as historic paintings that we see with different eyes today and interpret from a different perspective, like Las hijas del Cid by Teófilo de la Puebla or Juana la Loca by Pradilla, or the sculpture of the Hermafrodito; as well as forgotten canvasses like those of Clara Peeters or the splendid portrait of an African lion titled El Cid by Rosa Bonheur, hidden away in the basement for the longest time, maybe because its creator was a woman and a lesbian, and if she is to be vindicated today, it is above all as a great painter in her own right.


Estrella De Diego

Estrella De Diego

Estrella de Diego is an essayist and professor of Contemporary Art In the Complutense University of Madrid, visitor professor of numerous institutions, among them, the New York University, and academician at the Fine Arts Academy of San Fernando in Madrid. De Diego has curated exhibitions as the Spanish representation at the 22nd Biennial of São Paulo (1994) and in the 49th Biennial of Venice (2001); Warhol on Warhol (La Casa Encendida, 2007) or Gala Salvador Dalí. A room of one’s own in Púbol (MNAC, 2018). She is a regular contributor to the newspaper  El País, and the author, among other titles, of the books La mujer y la pintura en la España del siglo XIXEl andrógino sexuadoQuerida GalaTravesías por la incertidumbreRemedios VaroMaruja Mallo and No soy yo. Has been awarded the XI Journalistic Prize on Reading by the Fundación Sánchez Ruipérez and has also received the Gold Medal to Merit in Fine Arts. 


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