En_línea. Leer y escribir en la red
En_línea. Leer y escribir en la red

On_line. Reed and write in the web

En_línea. Leer y escribir en la red

How do we read and write on the web? How do we inform ourselves and create meaning? Is it the same as the way it is done with books, paper, and pencil? Even more importantly, stuck to the screen and to the keyboard, do we learn and teach in the same way? Is it worth going to class if everything is on the web? The fundamental question is: What has changed with the arrival of the internet?

To answer these questions, we will reopen some scientific investigations, revising the main metaphors (digital natives and residents, worker bees in the hive, wines and bottles), and will discuss some important examples of websites, blogs, chat rooms, and other didactic resources. With a clear and critical multi-disciplinary point of view, we aim to discover how the internet is changing linguistic education, the practice of reading and writing, and the day to day running of classes. We are going to concentrate on education, from primary to university teaching, in the classroom or on a digital platform, but also the affected parties in culture, education, and among those passionate about technology.

Daniel Cassany

Daniel Cassany

Daniel Cassany is a teacher of discourse analysis at the University of Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. His investigatory activity and teaching has centred on writing, communication, and linguistic education in more than 20 countries of Europe and America. He has written over 100 articles, chapters, and books in various languages. In this collection he has published Behind the Lines and Sharpen the Pencil, as well as The Kitchen of Writing, which with more than 20 re editions, has already become an indispensable reference text in Spain and Latin America.


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