No soy un robot
No soy un robot

I Am Not a Robot

No soy un robot

A reflection on how the digital world transforms our lives and our relationship with reading.

We are now digital beings. We have transi- tioned from McLuhan’s Gutenberg galaxy to the digital galaxy. How does this affect our percep- tion of reality? What political trends does this technological revolution incite? How does it in- fluence journalism? What is the role of books and reading in this new era? Juan Villoro answers these and other questions avoiding academicism while combining autobiographical anecdotes, reflection and speculative exploration. The book analyses advances in technologically in countries such as Japan and South Korea, the prophecies contained in the visionary literature of Bradbury, and old debates about reality and representation, present in Rousseau and Diderot, which have regained relevance.



  • Portugal (Zigurate)
Juan Villoro

Juan Villoro

Juan Villoro born in Mexico City in 1956, he worked as cultural attaché at the Mexican embassy in the then Democratic Republic of Germany as well as contributing to numerous magazines and newspapers. He was also managing editor of the magazine Pauta and manager of La Jornada Semanal, the cultural supplement of the newspaper La Jornada, from 1995 to 1998. He is currently a professor of literature at the  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and a visiting professor at Princeton, Yale, Boston and the Pompeu i Fabra de Barcelona. He regulalry contributes to the newspapers La Jornada (Mexico), El País (Spain) and El Periódico (Spain), and in publications like Letras Libres, Proceso, Nexos, Reforma and the Italian Internazionale. He has been awarded various prizes for his work as a writer, essayist, author of children’s books  and translator of major works from German and English. Juan Villoro is increasingly regarded as one of the most important Latin American writers working today.



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