PAGES | 368 |
SERIES | Argumentos |
PUBLICATION | 18/04/2006 |

This book deals with the conflicts produced when images become be-lligerent weapons for religious beliefs, feeding sexual passions or as militant instruments at the service of various political ideologies, from Nazism to Stalinism, passing through to contemporary videogames. This manipulation has driven its agents to areas of ethical, religious and political strains, perceived by their antagonists as heterodox, immoral, perverse or sick, to undertake a conflict that is not always res-tricted merely to the world of the imagination. An indispensable text to help us to understand a decisive aspect of our cultural history.
PAGES | 368 |
SERIES | Argumentos |
PUBLICATION | 18/04/2006 |

Román Gubern (Barcelona, 1934) has been a researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, professor at the South California University (Los Ángeles) and the California Institute of Technology (Pasadena), director of the Cervantes Institute of Rome and president of the Spanish Association of Film Historians. Nowadays, he is professor of Audiovisual Communication at the Universidad Autónoma of Barcelona, member of the New York Academy of Sciences, of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and member of the Honour Committee of the International Association for Visual Semiotics. He has been awarded the Ciudad de Barcelona Prize for Patologías de la imagen in 2005.