
Postpoetry. Towards a new paradigm


Is it still possible today to talk about the existence of poetry as a literary genre? If so, what is poetry like and what should it aspire to be? How is it possible that contemporary Spanish poetry has not made the transition from Modernism to Post-Modernism, that other arts have managed? Is it possible to write poetry in isolation to other areas of society? Is there poetry in science, advertising and design? Is there poetry in the economy, in trash TV, in large-scale pastry manufacturing? What is the metaphysics of chewing gum? Is the poetry of today actually a network, resembling a complex system? Have new technologies altered our conception of poetry? What is the truth behind the affirmation that today it is only possible to write from information, not erudition? This book gives the answer to all these questions, defining a new term called Post-poetic Poetry, which understands existing poetic constructs through the social paradigms of late postmodernism, the post-literary age in which we are immersed.

Agustín Fernández Mallo

Agustín Fernández Mallo

Agustín Fernández Mallo (La Coruña, 1967) is a Physics graduate. In 2000 he invented the term ‘Post-poetic Poetry’. He is the author of the poetry collections Yo siempre regreso a los pezones and Al punto 7 del Tractatus (2001), Creta lateral travelling (Premio Cafè Món 2004), and the performance poem Joan Fontaine Odisea [mi deconstrucción] (2005), and Carne de píxel (2008), for which he was awarded the Premio Ciudad de Burgos de Poesía. In 2006 he published his first novel, Nocilla Dream (translated into various languages), which was chosen as novel of the year by a number of critics. Critics and readers have agreed on the revolutionary impact that the so-called ‘Nocilla Project’ is having on Spanish writing, of which Nocilla Experience (chosen as novel of the year by the television programme Miradas2) is the second edition of the trilogy, which will conclude with the forthcoming Nocilla Lab. Fernández Mallo is the author who has generated most critical attention and literary debates in the world of Spanish letters over the last few years and he is considered by critics and public as the most visible and influential member of this new literary generation.


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