Ver y maquinar
Ver y maquinar

Seeing and Engineering

Ver y maquinar

In Ver y maquinar [Seeing and Engineering], Pablo Nacach turns to the sociology of everyday life to dissect the emergency of a new sensibility—taking into account the double meaning of the word "emergency," both as the action and effect of emerging and as an accident or dangerous situation that requires immediate action. Doesn't Google represent a prosthesis of external memory that, in the style of the Borges' Alephcompulsively vomits out an infinite series of starving memories? Is a marriage by convenience that has given magnificent results when it comes to the functions of social control and domination not transparent and crystal clear? Is the Cloud not the chest with the highest capacity and least amount of weight in civilized history, a paradigm of the symbolic tendency toward the disappearance of technical objects? Are games and players not betting on a Russian Roulette from which the same stray bullet always shoots out, the one that always lands on the puer ludens heart we all have inside? 

"Pablo Nacach is one of the most insightful and intelligent perceivers of contemporary reality." (Vicente Verdú).

Pablo Nacach

Pablo Nacach

Pablo Nacach (Buenos Aires, 1969) has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona and a Sociology degree from the University of Buenos Aires. He has lived between Barcelona and Madrid for years. He contributes to several media outlets and publishing houses and coordinates reading and writing workshops at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He is the author of A través del espejo. Individuo y sociedad en la obra de Jesús Ibáñez, Las palabras sin las cosas. El poder de la publicidad, Fútbol. La vida en domingo, Máscaras sociales. Las relaciones personales en el mundo actual, and Barcelona/Madrid. Sobrevivir a la ciudad. 


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