El productor accidental

The Accidental Producer

El productor accidental

El productor accidental relates the adventures of producer who is facing the difficulties of financing, organizing and distributing his first film. The book uses the author’s own experience as a producer on The plague as a narrative thread; a film directed by Neus Ballús which was premiered at the Berlinale, gaining international recognition. The author explores the minutiae of a world that is generally unknown by the wider public, while he himself learns on the job. With an agile, fluid style full of humour, Pau Subirós produces a frenetic narration that takes us from the first script meetings to the premiere of the film in cinemas and appearances at festivals worldwide; a succession of unexpected and diverse events that the author uses to closely examine the processes, ups and downs and black holes of cinematographic creation. According to Pau Subirós, El productor accidental is the book he would have loved to have read before beginning the adventure of producing a film.

An essential book for all readers, all lovers of film, and especially, all those young people who are trying to get involved in the complicated career of cinema today.

Pau Subirós

Pau Subirós

Pau Subirós (Barcelona, 1979) studied philosophy and anthropology at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. He has worked on numerous film and TV projects, and since 2006 he has directed the production company la El Kinògraf. His work as producer and co-writer of the film The plague has earned him numerous national and international awards, among them, the Premio Gaudí for Best Screenplay and Best Film 2013.


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