El viajero sedentario
El viajero sedentario

The Sedentary Traveller (Cities)

El viajero sedentario

A magnificent and intense journey across the world: Chirbes begins his literary travels on the streets of Peking and finishes it with a skeptical reflection of the Mediterranean character. During the journey, the author undergoes a sentimental education. He discovers that writing is the bridge between what the traveller desires and what he really encounters.Cantonese markets, the splendour of Hamburg, the postcard beauty of Paris‚ Seine, the music of the mariachis of Guadalajara, the skyscrapers of Hong Kong, the flow of time in the squares of Salamanca are all settings that transmit the intimate story of an idea that, with time, has become a way of understanding the world. Reflections about these cities alternate with readings, walks and contemplations, which this sedentary traveller uses to explain what he has learnt about himself during each stage of this journey.

SERIESNarrativas hispánicas


  • Germany (Antje Kunstmann)
Rafael Chirbes

Rafael Chirbes

Rafael Chirbes (Tabernes de Valldigna 1949 – Beniarneig, Spain, 2015) studied Modern and Contemporary History in Madrid. He worked as a literary critic and wrote for a travel magazine for some years. His novel La larga marcha was awarded in Germany with the SWR/Die Bestenliste Prize. Among many other awards, with Crematorio (2007) and En la orilla (2014) he obtained the Critics Prize, and with En la orilla also the National Prize for Narrative.

A tribute to Rafael Chirbes by Valerie Miles.


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