Nubosidad variable
Nubosidad variable

Variable Cloud

Nubosidad variable

Sofía is mother of three grown-up children and trapped in a loveless marriage to their estranged father Eduardo, a self-preoccupied businessman. Mariana is a psychiatrist with a successful Madrid practice, a shrewd woman of brittle emotions, incapable of forming stable relationships with men. These two women on the threshold of middle age were close friends at school but grew apart, one of them inheriting the other's lover. Meeting accidentally at a party, they realise that they retain a deep-felt need to confide in each other. While Mariana escapes Madrid for a coastal reasort to seek respite in solitude from a damaged love-affair, Sofía walks out on her husband and finds refige in her children's chaotic apartment. The two women fill notebooks with their insights and recollections and engage in a correspondence in which they lay bare their souls. They pool these deeply dredge findings about themselves and discover, as they realise on meeting again, thet they have written a novel... Variable Cloud a probing, limpid, cruelly witty dissection of married (and unmarried) life in all its absurdities and self-deceptions.

SERIESNarrativas hispánicas


  • Italy (Giunti)
  • France (Flammarion)
  • Portugal (Difel)
  • Greece (Psichogios)
  • UK (The Harvill Press)
  • The Netherlands (Arena)
  • Brazil (Companhia das Letras)
  • Slovenia (Modrijan)


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