
Ecotopia: An Earth Utopia


Ecotopia: A proposal for reconnection with nature that goes beyond the limits of ecology.

In 1975, Ernest Callenbach published Ecotopia, a manifesto on the Earth’s wisdom and the need for reconnecting with it, imbued with hippie utopianism and Californian counter-culture. This book modernizes and expands on these ideas. Are we still on time to overhaul our relationship with the planet? Can we still reestablish our bonds with nature? This is a proposal to expand ecology to ecosophy, listen to Gaia pulses, and live in harmony with nature in order to arrive at an ecotopia. These pages propose a spiritual and emotional journey of reconnection with the Earth, and includes the Ten Commandments of an Ecotopia and a list of practical actions for Ecotopians.

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Alexis Racionero Ragué

Alexis Racionero Ragué

Alexis Racionero Ragué has an Art History PhD and degrees in Geography and History. He is also a specialist in counter-culture, Eastern philosophy, and the hero’s journey. After teaching film for many years at ESAC, he is now a Gestalt therapist and a generative coach. He teaches yoga classes, meditation sessions, and retreats using his Wakenpath method. He is the author of books like El ansia de vagar (with Luis Racionero), Darshan: Sabiduría oriental para la vida cotidiana, El viaje del héroe, and Yoga: Un estilo de vida. He has collaborated with La Vanguardia, El Mundo Deportivo, and National Geographic. He dreams of settling down in a loft in the Pyrenees and living in harmony with nature.


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