Vivir peor que nuestros padres
Vivir peor que nuestros padres

A Worse Life than Our Parents'

Vivir peor que nuestros padres

Millennials vs. boomers: how precariousness has become a part of our lives.

An over-prepared generation confronts the persistent reality of precarious jobs, low wages, and worse living conditions than what their parents had. Millennials vs. boomers. In the time span that separates one group from the other, the idea of sustained progress has collapsed, any hint of job stability has been lost, and rights have been fractured.What happened, and what is the solution? This short essay proposes rethinking the present and imagining another future.

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Azahara Palomeque

Azahara Palomeque

Azahara Palomeque, born in 1986, is a writer and journalist. Exiled during the crisis, she has lived in Lisbon, São Paulo, and Austin,Texas. She has a PhD in Cultural Studies from Princeton University. She is the author of the poetry collections Currículum, RIP (Rest in Plastic), En la Ceniza Blanca de las Encías, American Poems, and the collection of chronicles Año 9: Crónicas catastróficas en la Era Trump.


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