Graciela Speranza

Graciela Speranza (Buenos Aires, 1957) is a critic, narrator and scriptwriter in cinema. She teaches Argentinean literature at the University of Buenos Aires and contemporary art at the University Torcuato Di Tella. Among other books she has published: Guillermo Kuitca. Obras 1982-1998, Manuel Puig. Despues del fin de la literature, and with Anagrama she has had published: Fuera del Campo. Literatura y arte argentinos despues de Deuchamp. She has also written two novels, Oficios ingleses and En el aire. She has colalborated with cultural supplements of the newspapers Pagina/12, Clarín y La Nación and she directs, along with Marcelo Cohen, the magazine of literature and arts Otra Parte.



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