


Cronografías (Chronographies), Graciela Speranza

Essay, 264 pages (Argumentos)

A vehement and illuminating essay about the rhythms of modernity and the way that art can help us to rebel.  


Once the modern cult of speed represented the promise of a bright future, illuminating the vanguards of the century. Now the new century seems to have submerged us in a discouraging parochialism. The expansion of mass consumerism and the digital revolution have devoured time and compressed experience.  It isn’t surprising, then, that the lack of time is at the centre of the colonization of the machine in our lives and in the dangers of environmental catastrophe that threaten our survival. But art and literature refuse to give in. They ask us to escape monochrome uniformity, transform the time wasted on dedicated consumerism into an aesthetic experience of time recovered, a rediscovery of the kaleidoscopic complexity of the moment and the sovereignty of the anachronistic. The work of artists and writers of the XXIst Century that Graciela Speranza collects reveal their methods to form singular chronographies that are free us from the tyranny of watches.  

«The author seems to have a light in her eyes that lets her clearly penetrate the shadows of theory» (Estrella de Diego, El País).

«One of the most original Argentinean intellectuals of recent times» (Jimena Néspolo, Quimera).

El Mundo - El Cultural
Graciela Speranza

Graciela Speranza

Graciela Speranza (Buenos Aires, 1957) is a critic, narrator and scriptwriter in cinema. She teaches Argentinean literature at the University of Buenos Aires and contemporary art at the University Torcuato Di Tella. Among other books she has published: Guillermo Kuitca. Obras 1982-1998, Manuel Puig. Despues del fin de la literature, and with Anagrama she has had published: Fuera del Campo. Literatura y arte argentinos despues de Deuchamp. She has also written two novels, Oficios ingleses and En el aire. She has colalborated with cultural supplements of the newspapers Pagina/12, Clarín y La Nación and she directs, along with Marcelo Cohen, the magazine of literature and arts Otra Parte.


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