El rompecabezas de la sexualidad
El rompecabezas de la sexualidad

The Puzzle of Sexuality

El rompecabezas de la sexualidad

It is difficult for José Antonio Marina to accept that the news about sexuality today look like a war report and that the future of sex seems to be in the hands of a failed intelligence. "Personal relationships have changed into a continuous battle" says a known sociologist. That is why, to collaborate with the construction of a successful intelligence, Marina has writen a Manifesto for a Second Sexual Liberation. Perhaps an anachronistic aim at this stage? Isn't this liberation a conquest already achieved? Apparently not. The first sexual revolution was useful for us to ge rid of superstitions, injustices and guilt. We protected ourselves from the mistery of sex by trivializing it, but it is time to move on from the practice of ingenious sex to the knowledge of sex as a great emotional creation. Is a sexual ethics possible or, in other words, how can we achieve a practical knowledge about sexual happiness?



  • Brazil (E. Guarda-chuva)
José Antonio Marina

José Antonio Marina

José Antonio Marina was born in 1939 in Toledo and currently lives in Madrid where he is professor of Philosophy. In 1992 he was awarded the Anagrama Essay Prize and the National Essay Prize for his first book Elogio y refutación del ingenio. His definition of essay-writing involves this approach: "To think like a scientist and write like a poet who is also a crime-writer.


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