La inteligencia fracasada
La inteligencia fracasada

The Failed Intelligence

La inteligencia fracasada

Given that there is now a theory of intelligence, there should also be a scientific theory of stupidity. In fact, teaching this theory as a central part of all courses at all educational levels would produce enormous benefits for our society. The first of these would be a vaccine against stupidity, an urgently needed prophylaxis‰. The first line of José Antonio Marina‚s new book makes an attempt to answer questions that we all ask ourselves: Why do we always make the same mistakes? Why do we spend so much time spoiling our lives? And, why do intelligent people often behave so stupidly?


  • France (Cerf)
  • Catalan (Ara Llibres)
  • Portugal (Fim de Século)
  • Italy (Longanesi)
  • Germany (WBG)
  • Romania (Polirom)
  • Poland (WAM)
  • Russia (Corpus)
  • Japan (Kindai Bungeisha)
José Antonio Marina

José Antonio Marina

José Antonio Marina was born in 1939 in Toledo and currently lives in Madrid where he is professor of Philosophy. In 1992 he was awarded the Anagrama Essay Prize and the National Essay Prize for his first book Elogio y refutación del ingenio. His definition of essay-writing involves this approach: "To think like a scientist and write like a poet who is also a crime-writer.


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