La ceremonia del porno
La ceremonia del porno

The Porno Ceremony

La ceremonia del porno

Porn is often regarded as the most rudimentary of genres for the most rudimentary of consumers. However, pornography is very challenging for its user. If watching porn is easy, being watched watching porn can be very difficult. This is one of the biggest paradoxes when discussing pornography. If you are susceptible to porn, then become someone who actively seeks out porn, it becomes increasingly difficult to recognise yourself while you are watching porn. Only when you are capable of resolving this triple conundrum, does it become interesting to talk about the subject. This book evokes the musings on pornography throughout history of writers from De Sade to Santa Teresa, from Bataille to Barthes, from Madonna to Martin Amis. ‘Pornophiles’ and ‘pornophobes’ have always faced each other in intractable warfare, which, perhaps now, has reached an impasse: from pornography on the internet to webcams, the passive consumer is now becoming the producer and the subject of pornography. And the massive consumption of pornography in societies that have been officially repressors tells us that perhaps we are arriving at a new phase in the private and public relationship with pornography.



  • Greece (Lagoudera)
Andrés Barba

Andrés Barba

Andrés Barba (Madrid, 1975) has a degree in Spanish Literature. He has represented Spain in several international conferences for young dramatists and has been a lecturer in Madrid and Bowdoin College (USA). Currently he combines his work as a writer with a teaching position at the Complutense University of Madrid. He was awarded first finalist of the Herralde Novel Prize 2001 with La hermana de Katia. In 2005 he has been awarded the Torrente Ballester prize for Versiones de Teresa.

Javier Montes

Javier Montes

Javier Montes (Madrid, 1976) won the Premio José María de Pereda with his first novel, Los penúltimos. He then published his second novel, Segunda parte, both with Pre-Textos. Along with Andrés Barba, he won the Anagrama Essay Prize for La ceremonia del porno. In 2010, Granta included him in their selection of “Best Young Spanish-Language Authors.” He has also collaborated with El País, Granta, Artforum, and The Literary Hub, and his work has been recognized by the Civitella Ranieri Fellowship, the Leonardo Scholarship by the Fundación BBVA, and by an invitation as a writer to the MALBA residency in Buenos Aires. At Anagrama, he has also published La vida de hotel [Hotel Life] and Varados en Río [Stranded in Rio]: “Marvelous…a great exercise in the slippery art of cinema” (Michael Ondaatje); “Enviable naturalness. The reader enjoys taking their time on each page and is compelled by the desire to know the conclusion” (J.A. Masoliver Ródenas, La Vanguardia); “A convincing invention that eloquently about the breach that separates our actions from the stories we tell ourselves” (Ollie Brock, Times Literary Supplement); “Beautiful and revealing” (Inés Martín Rodrigo, ABC). 


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