La hermana de Katia
La hermana de Katia

Katia's Sister

La hermana de Katia

The novel describes the critical experiences and discoveries of an adolescent girl left to her own devices: her mother is a prostitute and her sister is a striptease dancer in a Madrid club. The main protagonist of the story, however, is the redeeming innocence through which everything acquires a new meaning. Reminiscent of the heroine of Flaubert's novel, she is only ever introduced as Katia's younger sister; we never even know her name, but her figure of childish innocence is both moving and unforgettable for those who come into contact with her in the course of the novel.A novel that reveals an author of surprising literary and intellectual maturity, in spite of his youth. Barba is a smart stylistic author who avoids following recent literary fashions.

SERIESNarrativas hispánicas
El Mundo
El País


  • France (Christian Bourgois)
  • The Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
  • Germany (Antje Kunstmann)
  • Italy (Instar Libri)
  • Romania (Vellant)
  • Syria (Ayman)
Andrés Barba

Andrés Barba

Andrés Barba (Madrid, 1975) has a degree in Spanish Literature. He has represented Spain in several international conferences for young dramatists and has been a lecturer in Madrid and Bowdoin College (USA). Currently he combines his work as a writer with a teaching position at the Complutense University of Madrid. He was awarded first finalist of the Herralde Novel Prize 2001 with La hermana de Katia. In 2005 he has been awarded the Torrente Ballester prize for Versiones de Teresa.


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