Contes urbans
Contes urbans

Urban Tales

Contes urbans

Mercè Ibarz leaves the rural landscapes of her childhood behind, to dive into the innards of the metropolis with a gaze as penetrating as it is serene.

With the arrival of the new century, Mercè Ibarz published A la Ciutat en obres and Febre de carrer, two, now recovered collections of short stories, in which she left behind her native landscape to dive into the innards of the city and its chaotic onslaughts.

As a counterpoint but also as a reformulation of this evocation of a world in crisis, Ibarz, addresses the fragility and instability that cause the loss of friends, illness or death and the changes in the working world in the midst of a city in permanent metamorphosis.


With a contained delicate intimate prose, Ibarz explores the peculiarities of a shifting and frantic urban landscape, capable at the same time of offering itself as a space of relationship and resistance in a fragmented world.

«Journalist, essayist, but also a great narrator, author of books that navigate between chronicle, memoir, biography, portrait. In short: a life dedicated to writing.» -- Lourdes Toledo,

«An exceptional writer on our scene» -- David Castillo, La República-

«A fundamental writer. Her work arise from an infrequent persistence and coherence» --Bernat Puigtobella, Núvol.

«In Mercè Ibarz’s stories, real experience is transfigured like the images of dreams» -- Julià Guillamon, La Vanguardia.

SERIESLlibres Anagrama
Catalunya Ràdio
Mercè Ibarz

Mercè Ibarz

Mercè Ibarz (Saidí, Catalonia, 1954) is a writer, cultural journalist and essayist. She has published, among other titles, La terra retirada and La palmera de blat, joined together in this volume with Labor inacabada; the short stories collections A la ciutat en obres and Febre de carrer; the novels No parlis de mi quan me’n vagi and Vine com estàs; the essays L’amic de la Finca Roja and Rodoreda: exili i desig, a biography of Mercè Rodoreda. She is a contributor for Vilaweb and El País.


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