No pensis, mira
No pensis, mira

Don't Think, Look

No pensis, mira

A delightful book for art lovers, where intimate memory goes hand in hand with the knowledge accumulated over a lifetime dedicated to cultural journalism.

As an art professor and exhibition critic for many years, Mercè Ibarz’s perspectives on artistic topics are always personal, well-found- ed, and highly insightful. In this essay, titled in allusion to Wittgenstein, she invites the reader to focus their gaze and establish a direct relationship with the works. Intimate recollection meets cultured observation and social analysis in No pensis, mira, an exquisite nonfiction work open to all kinds of readers, showcasing once again the intelligence, sensitivity, and clarity that define the author.

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Mercè Ibarz

Mercè Ibarz

Mercè Ibarz (Saidí, Catalonia, 1954) is a writer, cultural journalist and essayist. She has published, among other titles, La terra retirada and La palmera de blat, joined together in this volume with Labor inacabada; the short stories collections A la ciutat en obres and Febre de carrer; the novels No parlis de mi quan me’n vagi and Vine com estàs; the essays L’amic de la Finca Roja and Rodoreda: exili i desig, a biography of Mercè Rodoreda. She is a contributor for Vilaweb and El País.


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