Homo Sampler. Tiempo y consumo en la Era Afterpop

Homo Sampler. Time and consumerism in the Afterpop Era

Homo Sampler. Tiempo y consumo en la Era Afterpop

Why do uptown girls have grunge boyfriends? How can we create time for ourselves in the age of ‘technologically-produced time’? And, above all, how did that man arrive on a Pacific island to shout: “Me Homer Simpson! Me no want public television!”

The era of the media implosion demands a new kind of essay that combines the basis of academic research with the dynamism of a style magazine. That’s how Homo Sampler takes on its central theme: consumer society. Through three passionate and creative discourses that explore the stamp of atavism in pop, the growing importance of waste within electronic landscapes and the subjective answers to “objective chronology”, imposed by the market. Regressive time, temporality on a loop and chronological acceleration are central to this essay, which articulates three steps through a minutely structured format: a real ‘reconstruction of the day’ in twenty-four substantial vignettes. A book to be read like an enjoyable album predicated on contemporary culture, but which has the intention and impact of an illuminating new theory. 

An ambitious essay on aesthetics that aims to explode the technological time produced by consumer society… And to achieve such a stunning feat, the author uses a number of different genres and registers —from satire, reportage and fiction to the mass-market postcard, criticism and poetry— that go beyond the format of a traditional essay”. Matías Néspolo, El Mundo

"Homo Sampler is, in itself, a sample, a loop, a mix of carefully measured quotes. Like a DJ looking to produce a contemporary and stimulating reflection, Eloy Fernández Porta has written a brilliant essay about contemporary aesthetics". (Luis Diego Fernández, Perfil)


  • France (Inculte)
Eloy Fernández Porta

Eloy Fernández Porta

Eloy Fernández Porta (Barcelona, 1974) es doctor en Humanidades por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, con Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. Ha publicado once libros de «crítica mutante cuyas ideas se metamorfosean en estilo y forma narrativas» (Christine Henseler). En esta colección han aparecido AfterpopHomo Sampler, €RO$ (Premio Anagrama de Ensayo), Emociónese así (Premi Ciutat de Barcelona), En la confidencia, Las aventuras de Genitalia y Normativa, Los brotes negros, Medianenas & Milhombres, y en catalán, L’art de fer-ne un gra massa. Pionero en las modalidades expandidas de la teoría, ha trasladado sus textos al spoken word en los grupos Afterpop Fernández & Fernández (con Agustín Fernández Mallo) y Mainstream (con Jose Roselló) y ha realizado el monólogo teatral Granito del Nuevo Mundo. Sus ensayos han sido adaptados al cómic (por Carlos Maiques y Marcos Prior) y a la videocreación (por Carles Congost y Natxo Medina). Ha sido traducido al inglés, francés y portugués.


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