Medianenas & milhombres
Medianenas & milhombres

Half-girls and Thousand-men

Medianenas & milhombres

The collection of ten years of articles and essays dedicated specifically to the topic of gender.

Medianenas y milhombres collects the texts about gender that Eloy Fernández Porta has published in newspapers, magazines, catalogs, and anthologies throughout the course of twelve years. As such, it serves to prove an interest that the author has been delving into long before he began to play a central part in contemporary debates, and that he approaches with his usual gaze, mixing artistic critique with cultural studies, in this anthology (that includes brief articles, but also longer, much more exhaustive essays). Fernández Porta focuses on some issues that are and have been present in current times (such as Femen’s debate about protest strategies, or about the sexism in the publishing industry), and he traces the transformations of gender and the footprints of sexual politics in music (with a particular predilection for indie and extreme music like punk and metal), cinema (porn included), TV series, literature, comics (the alternative, but also, and especially, superhero ones), contemporary art, publicity, subcultures, and the world of trends with an erudite, all-encompassing gaze that is filled with humor (which sometimes crystallizes into the satirical Ibero-Baroque that we first encountered in Afterpop or EROS) and formal inventiveness (tests, or the use of the textual post-modern collage).

Eloy Fernández Porta

Eloy Fernández Porta

Eloy Fernández Porta (Barcelona, 1974) es doctor en Humanidades por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, con Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado. Ha publicado once libros de «crítica mutante cuyas ideas se metamorfosean en estilo y forma narrativas» (Christine Henseler). En esta colección han aparecido AfterpopHomo Sampler, €RO$ (Premio Anagrama de Ensayo), Emociónese así (Premi Ciutat de Barcelona), En la confidencia, Las aventuras de Genitalia y Normativa, Los brotes negros, Medianenas & Milhombres, y en catalán, L’art de fer-ne un gra massa. Pionero en las modalidades expandidas de la teoría, ha trasladado sus textos al spoken word en los grupos Afterpop Fernández & Fernández (con Agustín Fernández Mallo) y Mainstream (con Jose Roselló) y ha realizado el monólogo teatral Granito del Nuevo Mundo. Sus ensayos han sido adaptados al cómic (por Carlos Maiques y Marcos Prior) y a la videocreación (por Carles Congost y Natxo Medina). Ha sido traducido al inglés, francés y portugués.


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