The Slowest Traveller
Vila-Matas, Enrique
Pages: 182

France (Le Passeur)
Italy (Alet)
France (Christian Bourgois)

The Style of the World
Verdú, Vicente

Italy (Sperling & Kupfer)
France (Stock)
Portugal (Fim de Século)

Mefisto's Vals
Pitol, Sergio
Pages: 128

Poland (Czyteinki)
Hungary (Europa)

To Tame the Divine Heron
Pitol, Sergio
Pages: 208

France (Gallimard)
The Netherlands (Cossee)
Romania (Art Publishing)

Variable Cloud
Martín Gaite, Carmen
Pages: 400

Sofía is mother of three grown-up children and trapped in a loveless marriage to their estranged father Eduardo, a self-preoccupied businessman. Mariana is a psychiatri...

Italy (Giunti)
France (Flammarion)
Portugal (Difel)
Greece (Psichogios)
UK (The Harvill Press)
The Netherlands (Arena)
Brazil (Companhia das Letras)
Slovenia (Modrijan)

The Long March
Chirbes, Rafael
Pages: 400

This is the story of a generation. The complex fabric of many lives and hopes. With his often dazzling prose the author tells us how utopias emerge again from the ashes of def...

Germany (Antje Kunstmann and Heyne)
France (Rivages)
Italy (Frassinelli)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
Norway (Gyldendal Norks)
Greece (Graphes)

Leaving Home
Martín Gaite, Carmen
Pages: 352

Italy (Giunti)
France (Flammarion)
Portugal (Difel)
Greece (Psichogios)
China (People's Literature Publishing House)

Bartleby & Co.
Vila-Matas, Enrique
Pages: 184

The protagonist, Marcelo, who lives his life in an office, like Herman Melville’s character, searches for all possible Bartlebys who have put in practice the philosophy...

France (Christian Bourgois & 10/18)
Switzerland (Nagel & Kimche)
Italy (Feltrinelli)
Portugal (Assírio & Alvim)
Greece (Kastaniotis)
UK (The Harvill Press)
USA (New Directions)
The Netherlands (De Bezige Bij)
Brazil (Cosac & Naify)
Norway (Solum)
Serbia & Montenegro (Plato)
Romania (Rao)
Turkey (Dogan Kitap)
Slovenia (Beletrina)
Denmark (Politisk Revy)
Hungary (Geopen)
Russia (Inostranka)
Czech Republic (Garamond)
Finland (Basam)
Poland (Muza)
Bulgaria (Panorama)
Lithuania (Alma Littera)
China (Yuan-Liou)
Croatia (Bozicevic)
Korea (Sodam)
Japan (Shincho-Sha)

The Old Friends
Chirbes, Rafael
Pages: 224

A group of old comrades get together for dinner. Once they were united by a common project: the revolution. Now, so many years later, they are revising the meaning of their ow...

Germany (Antje Kunstmann)
France (Rivages)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
Turkey (Özgür)

The Blind Sunflowers
Méndez, Alberto
Pages: 160

NATIONAL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE CRITICS´ PRIZE A Captain of Franco´s army, the same day as the victory, renounces winning the war; a young poet runs away with...

Greece (Papyros)
Germany (Antje Kunstmann)
France (Christian Bourgois)
Italy (Guanda)
The Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
Serbia & Montenegro (Svetovi)
Brazil (Mundo Editorial)
Romania (Editura Corint)
Portugal (Sudoeste)
Israel (Am Oved)
UK (Arcadia)
Sweden (Gavrilo)
Morocco (Saad Warzazi Éditions)
Czech Republic (Mlada Fronta)
Russia (Azbooka)
Bulgaria (Foundation for the Bulgarian Literature)


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