Love Customs in 18th Century Spain
Martín Gaite, Carmen
Pages: 324

USA (California University Press)

Whores and Wifes
Escohotado, Antonio
Pages: 192

Portugal (Mareantes)

The Adopted Son
Pombo, Álvaro
Pages: 144

France (Christian Bourgois)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
Sweden (Bonniers)

Touching Our Faces
Gopegui, Belén
Pages: 232

France (Actes Sud)

Strange way of living
Vila-Matas, Enrique
Pages: 160

The narrator-protagonist Cyrano, nicknamed for his large nose, recounts in the first person the events of the most important day of his life, a day he spends preparing a lectu...

France (Christian Bourgois & 10/18)
Switzerland (Nagel & Kimche)
Russia (Inostranka)

By Night in Chile
Bolaño, Roberto
Pages: 152

Sebastián Urrutia Lacroix, an Opus Dei priest, literary critic and mediocre poet, goes over his past life during a night with high fever, as he thinks he is going to di...

Italy (Sellerio)
France (Christian Bourgois)
Germany (Hanser and DTV)
The Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
UK (The Harvill Press)
USA (New Directions)
Portugal (Gotica)
Greece (Metaichmio)
Brazil (Companhia das Letras)
Russia (Machaon)
Romania (Curtea Vecche)
Czech Republic (Garamond)
Israel (Am Oved)
Poland (Muza)
Finland (Diagonaali)
Korea (Minumsa)
Lithuania (Alma Littera)
Norway (Solum)
China (Horizon)
Hungary (AGM)
Vietnam (Batch Viet Books)
Slovenia (Beletrina)

The Journey
Pitol, Sergio
Pages: 176

Along this splendid story, based on his travel diaries, some of the places where the author has travelled extensively: Prague, Caucasus, Moscow, the city that then was called...

Germany (Wagenbach)
Canada (Les Allusifs)
The Netherlands (Cossee)

The Firm Intention
Barba, Andrés
Pages: 240

English translation of one of the stories

France (Christian Bourgois)
USA (Words Without Borders)
Romania (Vellant)
USA (word English) (Transit Books)
Bulgaria (Ergo Publishing)


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