Love Customs in 18th Century Spain
Martín Gaite, Carmen
Pages: 324

USA (California University Press)

A Theory of Creative Intelligence
Marina, José Antonio
Pages: 384

Portugal (Caminho)
Brazil (E. Guarda-chuva)
Serbia (Sluzbeni Glasnik)

Pathologies of the Image
Gubern, Román
Pages: 368

This book deals with the conflicts produced when images become be-lligerent weapons for religious beliefs, feeding sexual passions or as militant instruments at the service of...

Short-Stories on the Lack of Substance
Pombo, Álvaro
Pages: 192

France (Christian Bourgois)
Serbia & Montenegro (Alexandria Press)

The Apparition of the Eternal Feminine Narrated by His Magesty The King
Pombo, Álvaro
Pages: 192

France (Christian Bourgois)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
Germany/Austria (Stockmann Verlag)

El arte de la fuga
Pitol, Sergio
Pages: 312

France (Passage du Nord-Ouest)

The Circle's Quadrature
Pombo, Álvaro
Pages: 416

Acardo is a man hounded by the feeling of his own individuality. He goes through several periods of his existence searching for his identity. He is born in the first half of t...

France (Christian Bourgois)
Poland (Pax)

Killer Prostitutes
Bolaño, Roberto
Pages: 232

Short-stories   Rights for the following countries are managed by Anagrama: Germany, Brazil, Canada (french), France, Greece, The Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, R...

Italy (Sellerio)
France (Christian Bourgois)
UK (The Harvill Press)
USA (New Directions)
Serbia & Montenegro (Svetovi)
Brazil (Companhia das Letras)
Romania (Curtea Vecche)
Turkey (Metis)
Greece (Agra)

The Firm Intention
Barba, Andrés
Pages: 240

English translation of one of the stories

France (Christian Bourgois)
USA (Words Without Borders)
Romania (Vellant)
USA (word English) (Transit Books)
Bulgaria (Ergo Publishing)

The Insufferable Gaucho
Bolaño, Roberto
Pages: 184

Roberto Bolaño, a writer who, in Vila Matas’ words, "opens the paths where the literary tendencies of the new millennium are destined to circulate", bri...

Italy (Sellerio)
France (Christian Bourgois)
Germany (Antje Kunstmann)


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