Ways of Getting Home
Zambra, Alejandro
Pages: 168

Formas de volver a casa deals with the generation who, as the narrator makes clear, learnt to read and draw while their parents became accomplices or victims of the dictatorsh...

Italy (Mondadori)
The Netherlands (Karaat)
USA (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
France (Éditions de l´Olivier)
Germany (Suhrkamp)
UK (Granta)
China (Shangai99)
Turkey (Notos Kitap)
Norway (Pax)
Israel (Am Oved)
Brazil (Planeta do Brasil)
Serbia (Geopoetika)
Portugal (Divina Comedia)
Denmark (Skjødt Forlag)
Sweden (Natur & Kultur)
Iran (Cheshmeh Publication)
Greece (Ikaros)

Spinoza's Wound
Serrano, Vicente
Pages: 224

Many essayists spend their entire careerslooking for a subject. This essay not only finds its subject, but also takes the luxury of exploring it in exceptional detail. That su...

Turkey (Dost Kitabevi Yayinlari)

Zombie Philosophy
Fernández Gonzalo, Jorge
Pages: 224

Philosophy from the zombies’ point of view. Through the cinematic production of George Romero and other works within the genre of the living dead (films, comics, TV seri...

Serbia (Geopoetika)

Enrigue, Álvaro
Pages: 232

Even though Decencia is a novel that meditates upon the topography of time, its folds, circles and valleys, it is also a book written with sweat and saliva: An old man is kidn...

The Failed Cultures
Marina, José Antonio
Pages: 224

This peculiar book begins with a fable that describes the lives of ants. Anthills are perfect societies, because each member sacrifices his own interests for the common good....

Eros. The Overproduction of Emotions
Fernández Porta, Eloy
Pages: 384

€®O$ is a creative discourse about love, or more specifically, about the corporations that produce it, the images that announce it and the media that transmits it. It...

August, October
Barba, Andrés
Pages: 152

The tension in Tomas’s adolescence reaches a point of no return when he returns with his family to the small village where he has always spent the summer. Then, events b...

Sweden (Astor Förlag)
Italy (Mondadori)
France (Christian Bourgois)
USA & UK (Hispabooks)

Three White Coffins
Ungar, Antonio
Pages: 288

Three White Coffins has the appearance of a bizarre thriller in which the obese, solitary, antisocial protagonist is forced to take on the identity of the leader of the opposi...

France (Notabilia)
Germany (Fischer)
Italy (Feltrinelli)
The Netherlands (De Geus)
Israel (Xargol)
Greece (Alexandria)
USA (Dalkey Archive)

Three White Coffins
Ungar, Antonio
Pages: 288

Three White Coffins has the appearance of a bizarre thriller in which the obese, solitary, antisocial protagonist is forced to take on the identity of the leader of the opposi...

Sense of Achievement
Sada, Daniel
Pages: 192

The author returns to his favourite territories in the desert of Northern Mexico with one of those stories of misfortune and joy in which his humour stands out. Therefore, in...

Enrigue, Álvaro
Pages: 192

The journalist behind «La pluma de Dumbo», convinced that one day he will become a great writer, has to endure a caustic comment by his son about his father’...

France (Gallimard)
USA (Dalkey Archives)
Czech Republic (FRA)

Vidas perpendiculares
Enrigue, Álvaro
Pages: 240

Jerónimo Rodríguez Loera is, in appearance, a normal Mexican child, just like any other. But he also happens to be a monster. Jerónimo remembers every cyc...

France (Gallimard)


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