The Unwelcome Guest
Cremades, Luis
Molina Foix, Vicente
Pages: 416

This book begins with the death of a father, announced at the bedside of a son, and ends three decades later, on the same day of the year and in the same house, where the inte...

The Body Where I Was Born
Nettel, Guadalupe
Pages: 200

Inspired by the author’s own childhood, El cuerpo en que nací is the story of a girl born with a birth defect in her eye. Her life, during the 1970s, is marked by...

USA (Seven Stories)
Italy (Einaudi)
France (Actes Sud)
Portugal (Teodolita)
Brazil (Rocco)
Israel (Carmel)
Sweden (Natur & Kultur)
Slovenia (Cankarjeva)
Bulgaria (Tonipress)
Norway (Solum Forlag)
Slovenia (Cankarjeva)
Denmark (C&K Forlag)
Turkey (Nebula Kitap)

My Documents
Zambra, Alejandro
Pages: 208

In this book of short stories, Alejandro Zambra traces the mundane existence of men who fall back on an outdated idea of masculinity, describing the transition of peripatetic...

France (Rivages)
Brazil (Planeta do Brasil)
The Netherlands (Karaat)
USA (McSweeneys)
Italy (Sellerio)
Norway (Solum Forlag)
UK (Fitzcarraldo Editions)
China (Shanghai 99)
Turkey (Notos Kitap)
Germany (Suhrkamp)

Ordovás, Julio José
Pages: 136

The protagonist of this story arrives one day, traversing the rooftops of his village, to an island that witnesses a shipwreck take place beneath the sun. The castaway knows t...

USA & UK (Dalkey Archives)
France (Editions de l´Olivier)

The Pornographer Prudishness
Pauls, Alan
Pages: 160

Sheltered in an apartment, a pornographer replies to letters from women and men, guiding them through a labyrinth of vertigo and lust. This all-consuming task leaves him emoti...

The Trail of the Fire that Recedes
Goytisolo, Luis
Pages: 208

The first chapters of this book , which won the National Critics Prize, are about «the crisis facing the protagonist», who the author names with the letter A. He i...

A Simple Story
Guerriero, Leila
Pages: 148

In January 2011, the Argentinean journalist Leila Guerriero travelled to a town with six thousand inhabitants, in the centre of her country. Her intention was to tell the stor...

Italy (Feltrinelli)
Brazil (Bertrand)
Reino Unido (Pushkin Press)
USA (New Directions)
France (Christian Bourgois)

When cold arrives at the heart
Gutiérrez Aragón, Manuel
Pages: 136

This is a story that mixes goddesses, cows and first loves. A marvelous and realistic story about summer love in a northern city and about the discovery of sex. Because his fa...

The History of Money
Pauls, Alan
Pages: 216

  Argentina, the 70s. The syndicates have been taken over by the radicalized left wing, the industrial belt of Buenos Aires is now referred to as the red belt, and a t...

Germany (Klett-Cotta)
France (Christian Bourgois)
Italy (Minimumfax)
Brazil (Cosac & Naify)
USA (Melville House Press)

On the Shore
Chirbes, Rafael
Pages: 440

CRITICS PRIZE 2013 NATIONAL LITERATURE PRIZE 2013 The story opens with the discovery of a body in the Olba marshes. Esteban, the protagonist, is forced to close the carp...

Nature of the Novel
Goytisolo, Luis
Pages: 200

The novelist Luis Goytisolo has collected his essayistic-literary articles in The Future of the Word (Taurus, 2002) ever since the years of the Transition. This is a work in w...


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