Emilio, los chistes y la muerte
Morábito, Fabio
Pages: 168

This is the story of the relationship between a twelve-year old boy who remembers too much and a woman of forty who would like to forget everything. Emilio, who has no friends...

France (Jose Corti)

The Letter-opener
Molina Foix, Vicente
Pages: 448

This novel, awarded the Premio Nacional de Literatura en 2007, begins with the letters that a childhood friend writes during the second decade of the XXth Century to Garc&iacu...

The Small Hands
Barba, Andrés
Pages: 112

Las manos pequeñas can be placed in that select group, alongside Les Enfants Terribles by Cocteau and The Lord of the Flies by William Golding: uncompromising portraits...

Portugal (Ediçoes 70)
Romania (Vellant)
Brazil (Almedina)
Italy (Atmosphere Libri)
France (Christian Bourgois)
USA (Transit Books)
Serbia (Mono i manjana)
UK (Granta)

Los Nenes
Fernández, Patricio
Pages: 176

Carlos Iribarren and Gastón Miranda, the protagonists of the twelve stories that cross over in Los Nenes, are already over seventy years old. Iribarren, "a secreti...

The Eyes of the Hurricane
Serra Manzanares, Berta
Pages: 456

In the middle of the XIXth century, as the demand for sugar continues to grow, Cuba enters into an age of wealth and splendour as hundreds of Catalans make the voyage to Havan...

Serbia (Mono i Manjana)
Italy (La Nuova Frontiera)

Petals and other awkward stories
Nettel, Guadalupe
Pages: 144

As if seen by X-ray, the characters that populate this book show us things that human beings normally prefer to keep hidden. Each one of these stories brings to light a strang...

France (Actes Sud)
Czech Republic (Volvox Globator)
Slovenia (Lud Literatura)
Turkey (Monokl)
USA (Seven Stories)
Italy (La Nuova Frontiera)

Chirbes, Rafael
Pages: 424

The death of Matías Bertomeu, an ideologue who swapped violent revolution for a life in farming, sets in motion a chain of events that make up the story of Crematorio....

France (Rivages)
Germany (Antje Kunstmann)
Portugal (Ediçoes 70)
Italy (Garzanti)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
Romania (RAO)
Brazil (Almedina)
Serbia (Cigoja Stampa)
USA (New Directions)
Greece (Kedros)

The Architectures of Wish
Marina, José Antonio
Pages: 200

For millennia, the human race has mistrusted the strength of its desires and has done everything in its power to control them. The opulent society in which we live has now rad...

Grief Story
Pauls, Alan
Pages: 128

By the age of thirteen, the hero of Historia del Llanto has undergone a perfect training in progressive politics. He is a sensitive boy, who has studied hard at the school of...

Brasil (Cosac & Naify)
The Netherlands (Meulenhoff)
France (Christian Bourgois)
Italy (Fazi)
Germany (Klett-Cotta)
Turkey (Can Yayinlari)
Italy (SUR)

The poetics of the Café. A space of European literary modernity
Martí Monterde, Antoni
Pages: 496

If modernity is a civilisation based on the written word and our culture is one that is founded on conversation, the life of the Café occupies a central role in the sel...


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