When I Sing The Mountain Dances
Solà, Irene
Pages: 192

EUROPEAN UNION PRIZE FOR LITERATURE 1960s. Domènec, a peasant and a poet, and Sió, his wife, a beautiful and determined girl, move to Matavaques, his country...

Italy (Blackie Edizioni)
US (Graywolf)
UK (Granta)
France (Seuil)
Galician (Kalandraka)
Basque (Alberdania)
Hungary (Magveto)
Croatia (Vukovic & Runjic)
Macedonia (TRI)
Serbia (Heliks)
Bulgaria (Colibri)
Turkey (Ketebe)
Lithuania (Alma Littera)
Denmark (Aurora Boreal)
Brazil (Mundareu)
The Netherlands (Nobelman)
Saudi Arabia (Dar Athar)
Germany (Trabantenverlag)
Greece (Ikaros)
Korea (Adonis Books)
Poland (Czarne)
Romania (Humanitas)
Slovenia (KUD)
Georgia (Academic Press)
Sweden (Tranan)
Russia (Polyandria)
Portugal (Cavalo de Ferro)
China (Thinkingdom Media Group)
Estonia (Varrak)

small red women
Sanz, Marta
Pages: 344

  A novel about the dead and the disappeared, for whom the search still endures, and against a far-right that has never left and turned into a universal threat. A noir...

Italy (Sellerio)
Greece (Carnivora)

Luz del Fuego (Fire Light)
Montes, Javier
Pages: 272

  The tale of a search and a mystery: the violent and fiery life of the Brazilian woman Luz del Fuego, a libertarian legend ahead of her times.  “I am a...

Brazil (Fósforo)

Vilá, Juan
Pages: 168

  1980: The year this novel’s narrator met his new father. A settling of scores with the past and with family history.  “I went to Barcelona, but I...

A Love
Mesa, Sara
Pages: 192

Best Book of 2020 by El País, La Vanguardia, El Cultural and El Correo. One of the Best Books of 2020 by El Mundo, Forbes Espa&nti...

France (Grasset)
Germany (Wagenbach)
Greece (Ikaros)
The Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek)
USA (Open Letter)
Portugal (Relógio D'Água)
Italy (La Nuova Frontiera)
Saudi Arabia (Dar Athar)
Denmark (Skjodt)
China (The Writer's Publishing House)
Brazil (Autentica)
Poland (Glowbook)
Israel (Locus)
UK (Peirene Press)
Turkey (Sel Yayincilik)
Japan (Hakusuisha)
Romania (Humanitas)
Croatia (Oceanmore)

The Bread I Eat
Díaz-Mas, Paloma
Pages: 296

A beautiful book about food, the codes shared by Mediterranean cultures, daily life, memories, and literature.  “I’m going to eat.” This book about f...

Things As They Are and Other Fantasies. Morality, Imagination and Narrative Art
Luque, Pau
Pages: 256

Anagrama Essay Prize 2020 A smart and agile book that dives into the complex relationship between morality and fiction. Can art be morally condemnable? Or is art immune...

Trace a Perimeter
Martínez, Cesc
Pages: 256

Four adventures about the instinct to construct our own world and the possibility of moving forward. In the first story in Trace a Perimeter, a group of adolescents who gre...

A Dacha in the Gulf
Sánchez Mediavilla, Emilio
Pages: 200

Winner of the first Sergio González Rodríguez Anagrama Chronicle Prize: a vibrant book about an enigmatic country. Why write a book about Bahrain? Firstly, because the au...

France (Métailié)

New Radical Illustration
Garcés, Marina
Pages: 80

Authoritarianism, fanaticism, pessimism, terrorism… just some of the side effects of the powerful anti-enlightenment reaction that has come to dominate today’s na...

Germany and Austria (Turia + Kant)
France (Le Lenteur)
Italy (Nutrimenti)
Brazil (Ayinè)

Seeing and Engineering
Nacach, Pablo
Pages: 232

In Ver y maquinar [Seeing and Engineering], Pablo Nacach turns to the sociology of everyday life to dissect the emergency of a new sensibility—taking into acco...

To Die or Not To Die
Ibáñez Fanés, Jordi
Pages: 128

A lucid reflection on death and the necessity of a dignified death in modern society.  How does our society face death? How do we face it as individuals? What is a &ld...


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