The Enthusiasm. Precariousness and creative work in the digital era
Zafra, Remedios
Pages: 264

El entusiasmo is a timely book, dedicated to those who were born at the end of the XXth Century and who grew up without drama but with plenty of hope, until the arrival of a c...

The Pain of Others
Hernández, Miguel Ángel
Pages: 312

Gritty and honest, poised midway between a thriller and an autobiographical confession, harking back to authors such as Emmanuel Carrère, Javier Cercas and Delphine de...

Irony On. A Defense of te Public Mass Conversation
Gerchunoff, Santiago
Pages: 80

Since the establishment of the Internet, the new public sphere has been accused of a harmful excess of irony. It seems to be the return of a melancholy discomfort regarding ir...

Phenomenal Night
Pérez Andújar, Javier
Pages: 272

A TV program team devoted to paranormal phenomena discovers that some anomalous events, that have never been registered before, have become real in the same Barcelona where th...

Administrative Silence: Poverty In the Labyrinth Of Bureaucracy
Mesa, Sara
Pages: 120

This is a true story. The story of a disabled and ill homeless woman who tries to apply for a minimum income that she is entitled to according the optimistic messages of the a...

The Eye of the Sky
Gutiérrez Aragón, Manuel
Pages: 176

At the heart of this novel there are four women – Margarita, the young and beautiful mother; Valen, her older daughter, the rebellious middle daughter, and little Clara&...

The Sky Is Not For Everyone
Rojals, Marta
Pages: 600

Pep Costa knows from experience that relationships between brothers and sisters can be difficult to explain. Words don’t suffice because they fail to highlight the nuanc...

Cara de pan
Mesa, Sara
Pages: 144

The first encounter takes place in a park. She is Casi (Almost), a teenager who’s “almost” fourteen years old; he, the Elder, is much older. Their first c...

USA (Open Letter)
Germany (Wagenbach)
Norway (Cappelen Damm)
Portugal (Teodolito)
Greece (Ikaros)
The Netherlands (Wereldbibliotheek)
Denmark (Forlaget Apuleius)
Finland (Aviador)

Monstresses and Centaurettes. The New Language of Feminism
Sanz, Marta
Pages: 131

Three events and a judicial sentence (the #MeToo movement, the letter written by French intellectual women, the feminist march of March 8th and the Manada sentence) have marke...

Monstresses and Centaurettes. The New Language of Feminism
Sanz, Marta
Pages: 131

Three events and a judicial sentence (the #MeToo movement, the letter written by French intellectual women, the feminist march of March 8th and the Manada sentence) have marke...

The Art of Crossing the Line
Fernández Porta, Eloy
Pages: 336

Does an accurate way to measure things, as Horace wished, really exist or is it all about scales and nuances of what is called “fer safor” (“make a mess&rdqu...

A Confederacy of Irresponsibility
Amat, Jordi
Pages: 112

   The failure of a major political operation - Catalonia’s Statute reform, which from the beginning was captive of populisms and nationalisms, tactical and...


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