A Cinephile in the Vatican
Gubern, Román
Pages: 144

The curious history of the Vatican’s Film Library and the elaboration of the lists of best movies for the Centennial in Cinema. In 1990, during a cinematographic cong...

In The Confidence
Fernández Porta, Eloy
Pages: 208

A reflection on rumors, half-truths, secrets and lies; about the transmission of information, confidences, language, slander; about the opprobrium, the privacy, control, socia...

Shamans and Robots
Bartra, Roger
Pages: 184

This stimulating essay explores the present and the future of humans and robots by combining the cultural and biological dimensions. There is a thread that connects the tho...

The Heart of the Party
Torné, Gonzalo
Pages: 256

An incisive, daring, vibrant, and shameless novel about community and class, the nation and money.  After inheriting an enormous flat in the center of Barcelona, Clara...

The Tumor
Soler, Toni
Pages: 160

«My father accompanied me until I was 17 years old.. He got ill when he was 52, the same age I am at the moment of writing these lines. I am not specially hypocondriac,...

The Best Words. On Free Speech
Gamper, Daniel
Pages: 160

Anagrama Essay Prize 2019

Italy (Treccani)

Ferré, Juan Francisco
Pages: 368

33 chapters. 33 days narrated by Gabriel Espinosa in first person. 33 stages of a descent—or perhaps an ascent—into madness or into complete lucidity, on a path th...

Opus Gelber: Portrait of a Pianist
Guerriero, Leila
Pages: 336

Argentine pianist Bruno Gelber is considered one of the best 100 pianists of the 20th century. He started playing when he was three years old, and his vocation was so strong t...

The Dream of Martyrs: Meditations on a Contemporary War
Scavino, Dardo
Pages: 248

Once the Cold War was over and the academics proclaimed “the end of history”, a new phenomenon emerged, marking the 21 century: Islamic terrorism, that attacked th...

The Enthusiasm. Precariousness and creative work in the digital era
Zafra, Remedios
Pages: 264

El entusiasmo is a timely book, dedicated to those who were born at the end of the XXth Century and who grew up without drama but with plenty of hope, until the arrival of a c...

The Pain of Others
Hernández, Miguel Ángel
Pages: 312

Gritty and honest, poised midway between a thriller and an autobiographical confession, harking back to authors such as Emmanuel Carrère, Javier Cercas and Delphine de...

Irony On. A Defense of te Public Mass Conversation
Gerchunoff, Santiago
Pages: 80

Since the establishment of the Internet, the new public sphere has been accused of a harmful excess of irony. It seems to be the return of a melancholy discomfort regarding ir...


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