Spanish Beauty
García Llovet, Esther
Pages: 136

A thriller with dark comedic elements. Michela is a tough, flawed, attractive, fiercely independent, half-Spanish and half- English Police Detective based in Benidorm. She...

Napalm in our Hearts
Guasch, Pol
Pages: 200

ANAGRAMA NOVEL PRIZE 2021 An award-winning, breakout novel from a blazingly original Catalonian poet, Pol Guasch’s Napalm in the Heart is breathtaking in its beauty a...

English (UK) (Faber)
French (Les Editions La Croisée)
German (Wallstein Verlag)
English (USA) (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
Slovenian (Beletrina Academic Press)
Italian (Fandango)

The Year of the Buffalo
Pérez Andújar, Javier
Pages: 256

HERRALDE NOVEL PRIZE 2021 This is a novel about four artists who belong to a generation with no luck. After losing their dreams and ideals, they find themselves confined to...

Tryptich of the Land
Ibarz, Mercè
Pages: 328

Twenty five years after the publication of La terra retirada and La palmera de blat, Mercè Ibarz closes the trilogy that is reunited in this volume w...

The Small Life
González Sainz, J. Á.
Pages: 208

A journal for facing life in a new way. A response to the pandemic through writing. After a cataclysm of colossal proportions caused by something minuscule that has sprea...

Dead Lands
Bendicho Giró, Núria
Pages: 184

A gothic and kaleidoscopic novel that reveals an atavistic universe. Nuria Benedicho Giró´s magnetic debut. Joan´s violent death opens this novel that un...

Spanish (Sajalín)
English (UK) (3TimesRebel Press)
Italian (Voland Edizioni)
Arabic (Éter)
Russian (Arkadia)

Private Life
Sagarra, Josep Maria de
Pages: 344

Private Life holds up a mirror to the moral corruption in the interstices of the Barcelona high society Sagarra was born into. Boudoirs of demimonde tramps, card games di...

USA (Archipelago)
The Netherlands (Menken, Kasander & Wigman)
France (Christian Bourgois)
Italy (Crocetti)

The Adventures of Genitalia and Normativity
Fernández Porta, Eloy
Pages: 120

Eloy Fernández Porta is back with a provocative interpretation of the dynamic between the normative and the transgressive. Sexy is normie. Normie is sexy. Combi...

Fragile. Letters on anxiety and hope in the new culture
Zafra, Remedios
Pages: 288

A portrait of the new anxious culture of immaterial work, and an attempt to find a way out. This book is motivated by an anonymous voice: that of a woman who, after reading...

The Other War. The Story of the Argentinian Cemetery in the Falkan Islands
Guerriero, Leila
Pages: 96

In late 1982, after the war between Argentina and Great Britain over the Falkan Islands, the British army made office Geoffrey Cardozo identify the Argentine soldiers who had...

The Calf
Freijo Corbeira, Aurora
Pages: 128

The story of the abuse of a minor narrated with extraordinary literary force. An uncomfortable and necessary book. A single gesture was enough to turn her into a calf. Sma...

Fairground Fat Man
García Llovet, Esther
Pages: 160

A surreal noir, an outlandish, bizarre, and authentic comedy. A courageous and vibrant novel that gives its readers no respite. Madrid—a completely unique Madrid&mda...


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